Your Friend, The Subconscious

Joseph Murphy

There is one mind common to all individuals. There are only two spheres of activity within one mind; there are not two minds. Your conscious mind is the reasoning mind. It is the phase of the mind that chooses, dissects, analyzes, researches, investigates, scrutinizes, reaches conclusions, and makes decisions.

For example, you choose your books, your house, and your life partner. All your decisions are made with your conscious mind. On the other hand, without any conscious choice on your part, your heart continues to function automatically, and the processes of digestion, circulation, and breathing are carried out by your subconscious mind through processes independent of your conscious control. Your subconscious mind accepts what is imposed on it or what you consciously believe. It does not reason things out like the conscious mind.

Your subconscious mind is a unidirectional mind; it does not argue with you in a controversial way. Your subconscious mind is like the soil that accepts any kind of seed, good or bad. Your thoughts and ideas are active and can be compared to seeds. Negative and destructive thoughts continue to work negatively in your subconscious mind and, in due time, will come out into your external experience that corresponds with your negative thoughts. Remember, your subconscious mind is not engaged in testing whether your thoughts are good or bad or true or false.

It responds according to the nature of your thoughts or suggestions. For example, if you consciously assume something to be true, even though it may be false, your subconscious mind will accept it as true and proceed to produce the results that must necessarily follow because you consciously assumed it to be true. The subconscious cannot argue; therefore, if you give it wrong suggestions, it will accept them as true and proceed to carry them out as conditions, experiences, and events. Your subconscious mind is often referred to as your subjective mind. Your subjective mind takes cognizance of its environment by means independent of the five senses.

The subjective mind perceives by intuition. It is the seat of your emotions and the storehouse of your memory. Your subjective mind performs its highest functions when your objective senses or your conscious mind are in abeyance. In a word, your subjective mind is that intelligence which manifests itself when the objective mind is suspended or in a drowsy state. Your subjective mind sees without the use of the natural organs of vision.

It has the capacity for clairvoyance and clairaudience. Your subjective mind can leave your body, travel to distant lands, and bring back information, very often of the most accurate and truthful character. Through your subjective mind, you can read the thoughts of others and read the contents of sealed envelopes and locked safes. Your subjective mind has the ability to apprehend the thoughts of others without the use of the ordinary objective means of communication. It is of utmost importance that we understand the interplay of our objective and subjective mind in order to learn the true art of prayer.

When your conscious and subconscious mind function harmoniously and peacefully, when they work together in unison, the result is harmony, health, peace, joy, and happiness. All the evil, pain, suffering, misery, war, crime, and disease in the world are due to the inharmonious relationship of your conscious and subconscious mind. Remember, your subconscious mind is impersonal and non-selective. The Bible says that the husband is the head of the wife. The husband is your conscious mind, and the wife is the subconscious mind.

This is not true from a literal point of view; it is true only psychologically. Your subconscious is controlled by your conscious mind; it is susceptible to suggestion and is controlled by it. Thus, the wife, your subconscious, is subject to the husband, the conscious mind. Again, this is true only psychologically. What your conscious mind considers true, your subconscious accepts.

Your ability to imagine and feel and your freedom to choose the idea you will entertain give you power over all creation. Don’t fixate on the imperfections, weaknesses, neglect, effect, or shortcomings of others. Why? Because whatever you think and feel about others, you create in your own mind, body, and circumstances. Ask yourself, “Would I like to live with what I am thinking and wishing for the other?

 If so, you are on the right track. Remember, your thinking is creative, and what you think of the other, you are creating in all phases of your life. What you do not wish to be done to you, do not feel that it is being done to you or to the other. Now, chance or accident is not responsible for the things that happen to you, nor is predestined destiny the author of your fortune or misfortune. Your subconscious mind is not concerned with the truth or falsity of what you consciously feel or believe to be true.

Select only what is true, beautiful, noble, and divine, and your subconscious mind will reproduce accordingly. The Bible says, “Believe that you have it now, and you will receive it. Whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have it now, and you will receive it. It is a psychological law. Assume the state of mind you would be in if you had manifested your desire.

As you do this, wonders will begin to happen in your life. Edison knew intuitively that the voice caused rippling currents in the atmosphere. As he reasoned that such currents could reproduce the voice, the idea came to him that to the extent that your voice produces waves, these waves reproduce that voice. This is the same law as believing that now you have it, and you will receive it. Thus, Edison developed the phonograph.

The idea came from his subconscious. Your subconscious is your friend. It seeks to heal and restore you. If someone is presenting you with a false deal, there is something inside you warning you. It is your subconscious mind prompting you.

The insinuations, impulses, and whisperings of the subconscious mind are always towards life. It seeks to heal you. If you are cut or burned, it seeks to reduce the edema and give you new skin and tissue. If your child is very sick and you are completely exhausted and you think of waking him up to give him his medicine at 2:00 in the morning, your subconscious mind will wake you up, no matter how tired you are, at exactly 2:00 to attend to your child. The tendency of the subconscious mind is always toward life.

Edison knew that electricity was produced by friction and that friction, in turn, produced electricity. Edison understood that the transformation of forces was reversible. Heat produces mechanical motion, and mechanical motion produces heat. Cause and effect, action and reaction, these forces are cosmic and universal. Pray, believing that you already possess what you pray for, and it will come true.

It is the law of inverse transformation. For example, if the sale of your house produces a certain joy, satisfaction, and euphoria in your mental atmosphere, then the feeling that would be yours if you sold your house would also produce that manifestation. In other words, that feeling or state of mind embodied in your imagination must produce the sale of the house. If the sale of the house produces some joy and satisfaction for you, you can reverse it and capture the feeling that would be yours if you sold it. You can do this by imagining the check in your hand, giving thanks for it, and depositing it in the bank.

Doing the things you would do if your house were sold. All this is done in your mind or in your imagination, and then that attitude will produce the results. Awaken within you the feeling that would be yours if you were now to realize your desire, and that feeling will produce it. There was a young man who wanted to go to a certain university, but he was rejected. I said to him, “You understand this law of reverse transformation.

How would you feel if you were accepted now? How would you feel if you went to that man who rejected you and he said, ‘Well, we’ve changed our mind. We’ve reviewed your qualifications and we’ve accepted you?’ He said, ‘I’d feel happy. I’d call my father.

I’d feel great.’ Well, I said, ‘When you go to sleep at night, think that I’m congratulating you on your acceptance and your wonderful success in college. Imagine also talking to your father and telling him that you’ve been accepted. Go in there in your own mind and hear that man who rejected you saying to you, ‘You’ve been accepted. That’s wonderful.

 You can capture that feeling in your imagination.’ The young man followed my instructions and was accepted. The feeling of answered prayer, if assumed and maintained, should objectify the answer to your prayer. That is the meaning of Romans 4:17, ‘Call things that are not as though they were.’ If a physical fact can produce the psychological state, then that psychological state can produce the physical fact.

That is the meaning of ‘All things whatsoever ye ask in prayer, believe that ye have them already, and ye shall receive them.’ How can you believe now? Well, the reality of your desire is an idea, isn’t it? It’s a mental image in your mind. So you accept the mental image.

You dramatize it. You feel its reality. You rejoice in it. And you believe in the law of growth, knowing that the seed you put in the ground will grow if you nurture it, hold it, water it, and fertilize it. Emerson said, ‘The philosophy of 6,000 years has not searched the chambers and storehouses of your soul.

In its experiments, there has always remained, in the last analysis, a residue which it has not been able to resolve. Man is a stream whose source is hidden.’ The sages and scholars of thought do not have a monopoly of wisdom. Your mind, your consciousness, is the sum total of all your subjective and objective impressions and consciousness. Your mind is a medium of ideas.

It is a collection of impressions. Some are good and perhaps some are not so good. Your mind is a medium for all kinds of impressions, and your mind should be open only to ideas that bless, inspire, elevate, and dignify your soul. Ideas are our teacher, and they generate emotions. The reason there is so much misery in the world is because the ideas that many people have are completely false.

These false ideas and emotions that become entangled in the subconscious must have a way out. If the ideas and emotions are of a negative nature, they must have a negative outlet. What a Scotsman and mechanic saw steam coming out of the kettle when his mother was making a cup of tea, he saw the steam forcing the lid of the kettle and began to wonder what would happen if he harnessed the tremendous force of the steam. He had only one idea. He began to think about it from every angle.

From his subconscious came the idea of introducing the steam into a cylinder containing a piston. The expansion would push the piston back and make the wheels roll. That was the beginning of the steam engine, which revolutionized industry worldwide. When man says that something cannot be done and that it is impossible because it has never been done before, remember that the science of aerodynamics states that the bumblebee cannot fly because its wingspan is too short and its weight too great. But the bumblebee doesn’t know what the textbook says, so it goes ahead and flies.

So when someone says something can’t be done, the man who knows the power of his imagination, the great friend within him, says it can be done. The subconscious, which is his friend, answers him and carries out his ideas or desires in a wonderful way. Someone mailed me a clipping of an unknown Mexican man who prayed for wealth because he had many things he wanted to do, but he was poor. The article said that in a dream, he went to pray to the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the Virgin told him to buy a Mexican lottery ticket, 37281. He called his nephew in Texas and asked him to locate the ticket number.

So the nephew located the 37281 ticket and invested his uncle’s money to buy the bundle of tickets. The uncle won $3 million, a large prize in Mexico. According to the article, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) visited the man’s nephew and demanded that he receive $1,600,000 because he had purchased the ticket in the United States. The nephew took the lawsuit to Tax Court. The article states that the judge announced that this man received an answer to his prayer from the Virgin of Guadalupe, and the bill was purchased on his behalf.

Therefore, the IRS gets nothing. So that is the friend, the subconscious mind, that gave this Mexican man $3 million because he believed the Virgin of Guadalupe would answer him. This is the same friend inside you. Its ways cannot be discovered. The Virgin, of course, is the I AM within you, your own subconscious mind, which is capable of infinite conceptions within itself.

She is the presence of God within you. In the Bible, she is called the Virgin Mary. Mary is a Latin word meaning “sea.” Therefore, it has nothing to do with a woman or a virgin or anything of that nature. Within you, there is a power that is capable of an infinite number of conceptions of itself without the help of any person.

It has created the whole universe. For example, the tree in front of your door is an immaculate conception, as is the whole universe that came out of the mind of God. He had no one to help him because God is all there is, and therefore, only God can make a tree. Even though the Mexican had blind faith and thought he was praying to a virgin, his subconscious responded because your subconscious responds whether the object of your faith is true or false. Your subconscious mind will respond to blind belief.

In your subconscious mind, there is an intelligence and wisdom that comes to your aid in cases of emergency when a direct demand is made of you. There are countless instances where scientists, for example, have had their prayers answered when they could not get an answer in any other way. Nicola Tesla, a brilliant electrical scientist who produced the most amazing innovations, said that when an idea for a new invention came to his mind, he would construct it in his imagination, knowing that his subconscious mind would reconstruct and reveal to his conscious mind all the parts necessary for its manufacture in concrete form. By silently contemplating each improvement, he wasted no time correcting defects and was able to give the technicians the perfect product of his mind. He would say invariably, “My apparatus works as I imagined it should.

In 20 years, there hasn’t been a single exception.” His subconscious gave him the answer to all his inventions. A famous chemist, Frederick Von Stronach, used his subconscious mind to solve his problem as follows: He had been laboriously working for a long time, trying to rearrange the six carbon and six hydrogen atoms in the formula for benzene. He felt constantly perplexed and unable to solve the matter. Tired and exhausted, he completely surrendered the request to his subconscious mind.

Shortly thereafter, he was about to board a London bus when his subconscious mind presented his conscious mind with the sudden flash of a snake biting its tail and spinning like a pinwheel. This response from his subconscious gave him the long-sought answer of the circular rearrangement of atoms known as the benzene ring. Today, every high school student knows how the benzene ring came about. It was a flash of light that emerged from the depths of Von Stronach’s subconscious. Countless inventions manifested in exactly the same way.

The Bible states, “I, the Lord, that is your subconscious mind, will make myself known to man in a vision and speak to man in dreams.” When I use the term subconscious mind, I’m talking about the great universal mind, not looking at it from a Freudian narrow point of view where it is a mind of sexual repressions, frustrations, and inhibitions. None of that. I’m talking about the inner father that does the works. You can call it the supernormal mind, the superconscious mind, the subliminal mind.

You can call it Allah, Brahma, reality, infinite intelligence, self-originated spirit, or vital principle. You can call it whatever you want. It really has no name. It is the subjective depth of you, the subjective wisdom and intelligence that controls all your vital organs when you are fast asleep and sometimes answers your prayer in a dream or night vision. There are numerous references in the Bible to dreams, visions, revelations, and warnings given to men during sleep.

Your subconscious is active 24 hours a day. It is your best friend. The Bible notes that Joseph got it right in his analysis of Pharaoh’s dreams. His mental acuity and shrewdness in predicting the future through dream interpretation earned him the king’s praise, honor, and recognition. Dreams have captivated scientists, scholars, mystics, and philosophers throughout the centuries.

Many answers to man’s most pressing problems have been given in dreams. Since biblical times, various interpreters and expositors from all countries have devoted themselves to the analysis and interpretation of dreams. Freud, Jung, Adler, and many other distinguished psychologists and psychiatrists have studied the symbols represented in dreams by interpreting the meanings for the conscious mind of patients. They have released hidden phobias, fixations, and other mental complexes. Your dreams, of course, are projections of the contents of your subconscious mind.

In many cases, dreams answer your problems and warn you about investments, travel, and marriages, as well as the pitfalls of everyday life. Your dreams are a dramatization of your subconscious mind. They are not fatalistic. You mold, create, and shape your own destiny with your thoughts and feelings. Anything in your subconscious mind is subject to change, and when you know the laws of mind, you can predict your own future.

You can fill your subconscious mind with the truths of God, and you will expel from your mind everything that is not God. For the law is subject to the higher. That is, your subconscious is subject to the conscious mind. That is the husband takes charge of the wife, but only in biblical language. Unfortunately, theologians have taken this literally for thousands of years and have kept women in bondage and subjection due to a misinterpretation of scripture.

Once, I received a phone call from a woman in New York saying that her husband had told her before his transition that he planned to take a large sum of money from his private safe and invest it in a foreign country for greater profits. A few days later, he passed away, and when the bank safe was opened, there was no cash. However, there was a record at the bank that two days earlier, he had visited the safe. There was no trace or record of any investment, and a close inspection of his desk revealed no clues. I suggested to this widow that she turn her request over to her subconscious mind, which alone knows the answer, and that it would reveal it to her in its own way.

She prayed as follows: “My subconscious mind knows where my husband hid that money, and I accept the answer and implicitly believe that the solution will clearly come to my conscious mind.” She quietly reflected on the meaning of these words, knowing that they would be engraved in her subconscious mind and activate her response. She had a vivid dream in which she saw a small black box hidden behind the Lincoln painting on the wall of her husband’s study. She was being shown how to press a secret button that was not visible to the naked eye. When she woke up, she ran to the study and took down the picture of Lincoln.

When she pressed the button that had been revealed to her in the dream, an opening appeared containing the black box, which in turn contained $50,000 in cash. She discovered the treasures of her subconscious. She discovered that there is a friend inside her who knows all and sees all and has the know-how of realization because he is all eyes. You too can take a similar step and put the wisdom of your subconscious to work to answer your prayers. A young woman in San Francisco had a recurring dream for four consecutive nights.

In her dream, her fiance, who lived in Los Angeles, appeared to her. Suddenly, after his appearance, a very tall mountain stood between them that seemed impossible to climb. In the dream, she was deeply shocked, frustrated, and bewildered. When she awoke, she struggled with the problem and could sense that something was very wrong and murky. I asked her what the mountain meant to her, as every dream, when interpreted correctly, must match the dreamer’s inner awareness and feeling.

Also, a recurring dream is very important, as it is the intuitive voice of your subconscious telling you to stop, look, and listen. She said that the mountain meant an insurmountable obstacle for her. I suggested that she talk to her fiance about the dream and get assurance that there was nothing hidden that had not been revealed, read, and nothing covert that had not been made known to her. Accordingly, she flew to Los Angeles to see her fiance, who met her at the airport. After a frank conversation, he told her that he was gay.

He told her that he wanted to marry her so that his very religious clients would not suspect anything. Her dream prevented her from experiencing what would ultimately have been a major traumatic shock. You too can exercise the same or greater foresight by analyzing current events in your dream. Of course, there are variegated dreams. We know that some dreams are due to sexual frustration or repression, and others to mental and emotional turmoil, bodily malfunction, religious fears and taboos, replaying and recasting of past events or the day’s activities.

However, there are many dreams of a recurring nature, as well as of precognitive significance, in which you see events before they happen. Many times, the dream gives you detailed instructions on what to do. There is a wonderful power within you, subconscious intelligence and wisdom that you can use. You may be religious, you may be agnostic, or you may be an atheist. Yet, you can experience this infinite intelligence and wisdom working for you because you don’t need any creed.

If you call upon it, it will answer you, just as the atheist or the agnostic gets an answer. It is impersonal and is no respecter of persons. You can call it a superhuman intelligence if you want, or as I said before, a subliminal mind, or subjective mind, or the I AM. The point is that the presence of the infinite is within you. It resides in your own subliminal depths.

It is also a law. It is there, and we must use it. It works while you sleep. The German proverb says, “The night brings counsel.” You know that your body does not rest.

Your heart and all your vital organs are working while you sleep. Your conscious mind is in abeyance, and you are removed from the vexations, struggles, and strife of the day. Two-thirds of your life is controlled by the one-third you sleep with. What feelings do you go to sleep with each night? Go to sleep with the feeling that you are tremendously successful, that you are absolutely exceptional.

If you have a problem, contemplate the solution. Say, “Infinite intelligence gives me the solution, and I accept the answer. It comes to me in divine order.” Thus, that subjective self of yours corrects the errors of the day, and as you think of the Supreme Intelligence within you, in other words, as the ancient Hebrews said, you partake of the wisdom and form knowledge of the gods when you are fast asleep. Because the healing currents are released when you are asleep, the Bible says, “He gives to his beloved in sleep.

 I lie down in peace to sleep because the Lord makes me dwell in safety. Before work conferences, when very important decisions had to be made, Arthur Roar, a great industrialist and business tycoon, and his associates would lie still and quiet, close their eyes, relax, and drift off. What do you think they were thinking about? They would think about the infinite intelligence within them that knows the answers, knows what is best for the organization, and knows the right decisions. Because there is nothing it doesn’t know, therefore they would contemplate the right decision, the harmonious solution, the creative idea in the stillness of their own minds.

In that state of stillness and relaxation, the wisdom of the subconscious rises to the conscious mind because the conscious mind is in abeyance. This method always has wonderful results for Arthur and his associates. When they open their eyes, they know what decision to make, and it is always the right one because when your motivation is right, your decision will be right. When your motivation is wrong, whatever you do will be wrong. So when you are asked to make a decision, ask yourself, “What is my motivation?

 Connect with infinite intelligence when there are decisions and proposals to consider with the faith that you are guided, directed, and that all answers are revealed to you. Robert Coleman, who used to be an usher here at the Wilshire Eel Theater, now lives in Albuquerque, Mexico, and is familiar with the Indian medicine men there. He told me an interesting story about a tribal member who was very sick and the local medicine men couldn’t do anything for him. So they brought in a special medicine man. Robert said that when he came to see her, he had a pot of boiling water.

The test of a healer is that he can put his hands in the boiling water for about 10 minutes without any swelling or burning, a sure sign that he is disciplined, trained, and has served his apprenticeship. Robert said that afterwards, the healer put some blankets over the woman and chanted some Indian songs, i.e., their sacred prayers and incantations based on their tribal beliefs. The medicine man then lay down beside the woman, and as she fell asleep, invoked the great spirit.

When she awoke, he said, “The friend has cured her.” Of course, he meant the great spirit, which is what his tribe called God. What did he mean by “the friend has cured her”? Well, he came, of course, believing and in a passive, quiet state of mind. He began to sing, and the receptive, open-minded woman was healed, according to her faith.

This is the basis of all healing. Dr. Elsie McCoy of Beverly Hills, whom I wrote about in my book “Psychic Perception,” clearly showed what constructive thinking, according to the principle, will accomplish. She studied extensively in Europe and Asia, and in her early days, was engaged to a prominent surgeon in Chicago. However, they were separated by more than 1,000 miles due to their different assignments.

From the time she was 18, she became accustomed to asserting herself during the day. “In my life, only divine right action takes place, and all that I need to know is instantly revealed to me by the infinite intelligence within me.” This gradual reiteration of these truths caused them to reach the subconscious mind, which responded accordingly. One night, as she slept soundly, she saw and heard clearly, in a vivid dream, her fiance in Chicago talking to a nurse and, moreover, dating her for a weekend. She heard him say to the nurse, “You know I’m engaged, but she’s thousands of miles away and doesn’t know anything about us.

 Dr. McCoy telephoned her fiance the next day and told him about the silly, stupid dream she had had and laughed at him. He was furious and accused her of having employed detectives to spy on him. With that, she dissolved the engagement, and subsequent events showed the wisdom of his subconscious in protecting her from what would undoubtedly have been a tragic marriage. Her right thinking activated her subconscious mind, which revealed to her what she needed to know before she married.

It is a very interesting story. The subjective mind tries to protect you if you listen to it. Some people ignore these things and say, “It’s just a dream.” There is precognition or foreknowledge, which is seeing events before they happen. This allows you to protect yourself if you see something negative for yourself or another.

Prayer can change your mind. One girl, Louise Barrows, now Mrs. Wright since her marriage, gave me permission to write her story in my book “Psychic Perception.” Louise was informed by her foot surgeon that an operation on her left foot was necessary to bring about a healing, and that this would require having her leg in a cast as well as using crutches for two months or more. She prayed that the infinite intelligence of her subconscious would guide and direct her to make the right decision.

Every night, she addressed this request to her subconscious and at the end of the fourth night, she saw a family friend, a chiropractor, in her dream. He pointed out to her the 35th hexagram of the I Ching, which read “Progress.” The next day, she went to visit him, and upon examining her foot, he told her that he could achieve perfect alignment and adjustment through manipulations and exercises, which she would have to practice. Perfect healing followed. That happened in 1961 after I first gave a series of lectures on the I Ching in Southern California.

The subconscious mind often speaks and reveals answers symbolically. Louise, having taken two classes on the I Ching with me, became absorbed and engrossed with its scientific and metaphysical approach to life, and no doubt her subconscious knew she would follow the instructions of the hexagram. The subconscious always speaks to you in a voice or symbol that you will be able to follow and understand. It will not speak to you in the voice of someone you dislike or disapprove of. The subconscious literally spoke to Louise when it revealed to her that she should visit the chiropractor to heal her foot.

There is only one being, and that power is within you. It is called the vital principle, almighty living spirit, and many other names. As Judge Troward, author of an inimitable textbook, says, “The calm contemplation of your desires as an accomplished fact is the way to pray. The feeling of pleasure and tranquility in anticipating a certain realization of your desire is the way to obtain the answer to your prayer. The operation, says Troward, is that of the gardener.

We don’t put self-expansion or vitality into the seed. We sow it. Don’t we? We put the seed in the ground. Then we water it and fertilize it, knowing that it’s going to expand and unfold in a wonderful way.

Of course, it will expand in a wonderful way if you water it with faith, expectation, and understanding. In this way, wonders will begin to happen in your life. A thought is the most powerful force in the universe. Your word is a thought expressed. If you are in a position of authority, a thought or a word can direct how missiles, nuclear power, dynamite, or thermonuclear weapons are to be used.

Your thoughts direct how your life works. Your subconscious mind can be compared to an iceberg. 90% of it is beneath the surface. It is your subconscious mind that does the work according to the orders given to it by your conscious mind. What you think with your conscious mind, you produce with your subconscious mind.

There is a very interesting story about Dr. Arthur Thomas, a minister of the Church of Religious Science in Pasadena, California, formerly Reno, Nevada. He gave me permission to write his story in my book, “Psychic Perception.” Arthur had been a lieutenant in the British Navy at one time, and more recently had been in the wholesale business as well as real estate in Los Angeles. However, about 10 years ago, he started attending my lectures on Sunday mornings.

He said, “I suddenly realized that my thinking was the only creative power I was aware of, and I was going to create what I really wanted. Consequently, he began to affirm to himself frequently, ‘I am a minister now. I am teaching the truths of life to the people.’ Every night, he imagined he was expounding the great truths to a wonderful group of men and women in a church. He continued to think this way for a month or so when he decided to take the ministerial course at the Los Angeles Institute of Religious Science.

He was confident of the end result, as he had already imagined and felt the reality of what he imagined in his mind to be true. He passed all the tests and examinations in divine order and was offered the church immediately after finishing his seminary course. He is now doing exactly what he mentally decreed. He knew that his subconscious mind would respond mathematically and accurately according to his thought processes. Arthur’s story is a perfect example of the meaning, “According to your faith, be it unto you.

 During a trip to Mexico a few years ago, I met a minister who had a pronounced facial tick that he found very aggravating and humiliating. He had received alcohol injections, which were supposed to deaden or paralyze the nerve, but after a few months, the tick reappeared. The disorder would flare up when he spoke before his congregation or at other social gatherings. He had reached the point of considering resigning because of people’s comments and his own sense of embarrassment. However, after a long conversation, I commented to him that he had a deep sense that he was very hurt and had a guilt complex that he was unwilling to face, either subjectively or objectively.

This tick affected his right eye, which possibly symbolized something he did not want to look at at home or in the office. There was some reason why his subconscious was selecting his face and right eye as a scapegoat. This situation needed her psychic insight to recognize how to deal with it. He freely admitted that he no longer believed in what he taught, which gave him a guilt complex. Moreover, he was afraid to resign because he felt he would not be able to make a living outside the ministry.

He deeply resented the members of his board who criticized him whenever he deviated from the Orthodox teaching norm. All this nervous pressure was converted by his subconscious into a tick. The affliction was morbidly compensating him for not having been honest and forthright and admitting to his congregation that he no longer believed according to the guidelines and dogma of the church. He freely confessed all this to me, and I suggested that the following Sunday, when he returned from his vacation, he speak freely from the platform and tell his congregation that he was resigning since he no longer believed what he preached. He understood that teaching one thing and believing another created a powerful negative conflict in his mind, leading to mental and physical disorders.

He spoke from the depths of his heart to his congregation and then resigned. In a letter he sent me, he said, “I felt a great relief, and a great sense of peace came over me. My constant affirmation was, ‘You will show me the way of life, and one of my former board members gave me a position as staff director of his organization, where I am happy.’ He added, ‘What you have said is true. Often, the explanation is the cure.

 If you have a mental, physical, or emotional problem, ask yourself, ‘What am I turning my back on? What am I not willing to face? Am I hiding my resentment and hostility toward someone? Face the problem and resolve it with psychic perception. Dissolve it in the light of God’s love.