The Magical Path of Intuition: Unleashing Your Inner Power – Overview

Allan Dinall


Have you ever taken a moment to reflect on the incredible power that lies within you, waiting to be discovered? Imagine a path illuminated by ancient wisdom and deep intuition, inviting you to explore your limits and embark on a journey of self-discovery. In this blog post, we will delve into the magical path of intuition, as written about by Florence Scovel Shinn, exploring the depths of our being and unlocking the latent potential that awaits within us. Join us as we explore the tools and techniques that will help us develop our intuition, connect with our purpose, and manifest the life we have always desired.

The Power of Intuition:

Intuition is often described as the voice of God within us, guiding us towards our higher purpose. It is the deep knowing that transcends logic and reasoning, leading us to make decisions that align with our true selves. By cultivating our intuition, we can wake up each morning with renewed clarity and certainty, trusting that we are on the right path.

Exploring the Depths of Consciousness:

On the magical path of intuition, we dive into the depths of our being, exploring the layers of our consciousness. By releasing doubts and fears and imprinting perfect ideas into our subconscious, we can tap into the power of our superconscious mind. Through affirmations and stillness, we connect with the divine wisdom that resides within us, allowing it to guide us towards our highest potential.

The Role of Faith and Prayer:

Faith and prayer play a crucial role in harnessing the power of intuition. True prayer involves preparation and active faith, where we make our demands upon the Universal Supply and act as if we expect to receive it. By cultivating a sense of trust in the divine guidance that flows through us, we can manifest our desires and overcome challenges.

Breaking Free from Old Ways of Thinking:

To fully embrace the magical path of intuition, we must break free from old patterns of thinking. Negative thoughts and doubts create thought forms in our subconscious, which can hinder our progress. By replacing these negative thoughts with affirmations of security and satisfaction, we can neutralize doubts and fears and create a fertile ground for manifestation.

Living in the Now:

Living fully in the present moment is essential for making our dreams come true. Time and space are but illusions, and by bringing our future into the now, we can align ourselves with the infinite possibilities of the fourth dimension. By rejoicing in being ourselves and trusting in the divine plan, we can attract love, beauty, and all the blessings that the fourth dimension offers.


The magical path of intuition invites us to tap into the extraordinary power that lies within us. By cultivating our intuition, exploring the depths of our consciousness, and embracing faith and prayer, we can manifest the life we have always desired. Let us embark on this journey together, trusting in the divine guidance that leads us towards our highest potential. Remember, the power is within you, waiting to be discovered.